Womxn at Red Door 104: Words & Art

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Womxn at Red Door 104: Words & Art 

A Reading Series Celebrating Virginia Women, Woman-Identifying, Genderfluid, Genderqueer, & Nonbinary-Identifying Writers 

Womxn at Red Door 104: Words and Art, created to celebrate Virginia womxn writers, is a  partnership between  Creative Writing at Longwood University and Red Door 104, a unique gallery and art learning center, owned and operated by the tireless and talented Audrey Sullivan,  in historic downtown Farmville,Virginia. 

The series will consist of two events annually:    
--A reading and reception in April 2020, with two featured readers and five cameo readers.   

--All selected readers will then also have the unique and exciting experience of having visual art created by central Virginia artists in response to their submitted work. This art will be revealed in a second event, an art opening at Red Door 104 the following October.   

The first Womxn at Red Door 104 Reading will take place from 2-4 pm on Saturday, April 4, 2020.  The art opening will take place in October 2020, date tba.     

Selected writers must be available to read in person, and should be willing to attend both events. 

Believing that artists should be compensated when possible, we will award all selected readers a small token honorarium.   

Please submit writing samples, as detailed below, along with a 50-75 word bio, via Submittable.   

Submissions are limited to current Virginia residents. 

Send us your best!    We’re looking for work that is visually rich, and that will make for a compelling live reading. 

Poetry: 4-6 poems   

Fiction & Creative Nonfiction: 1 story or essay, 2000 words or less, or up to 3 pieces of flash (fiction or nonfiction) totaling 2000 words or less

Submissions will open July 1, 2019, and will close on December 1, 11:59 pm. We will inform those chosen of our selections by January 15, 2020.   

Join us for a great opportunity to network with other Virginia writers, sell books and read with other talented people in a very special environment.    

Send general inquiries to: womxnatreddoor104@gmail.com   

Womxn at Red Door 104: Words & Art